Pionus Parrots Eggs


Pionus parrots are known for their calm demeanor and relatively quiet nature compared to other parrot species. Breeding these parrots can be a rewarding experience, but it requires understanding their specific needs and behaviors, especially concerning egg-laying and incubation.

Breeding and Egg-Laying

1. Mating and Nesting:
– Pionus parrots typically reach sexual maturity around 3 to 5 years of age.
– Providing a suitable nesting box is crucial. A recommended size for the nesting box is approximately 12 inches by 12 inches by 18 inches.
– The nesting box should be placed in a quiet, dimly lit area to encourage breeding.

2. Pionus Parrots Eggs -Laying:
– A typical clutch consists of 3 to 5 eggs.
– The female usually lays one egg every other day.
– It’s important to provide a calcium supplement during the breeding season to ensure the female’s health and the proper development of the eggshells.

3. Incubation:
– Incubation lasts about 24 to 28 days.
– The female will usually incubate the eggs with minimal help from the male.
– It’s crucial to maintain a stable environment with a temperature around 98-100 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of about 50-60%.

4. Candling the Pionus Parrots Eggs :
– After about a week of incubation, eggs can be candled to check for fertility. This involves shining a light through the egg to see the developing embryo.
– Only handle the eggs minimally and with clean hands to avoid contamination.

5. Hatching and Care:
– Once the Pionus Parrots Eggs hatch, the chicks will be altricial (born without feathers and with closed eyes).
– The parents will feed the chicks, but supplementary feeding might be necessary if the clutch is large.
– Monitor the chicks’ growth and health regularly.

Common Issues and Considerations

Infertility: Infertile Pionus Parrots Eggs are common and can result from various factors, including age, health of the parents, and inadequate breeding conditions.
Pionus Parrots Eggs Binding: This is a condition where the female has difficulty laying an egg. It requires immediate veterinary attention.
Diet: A balanced diet rich in nutrients is crucial for breeding birds. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, pellets, and occasional seeds.
Behavioral Changes: Breeding can change the behavior of Pionus parrots. They may become more territorial or aggressive during this period.


Breeding Pionus parrots and caring for their eggs require careful attention to their environmental, nutritional, and health needs. By providing optimal conditions and monitoring closely, you can successfully breed these charming birds and enjoy watching their chicks grow.

Fertile Pionus Parrots Eggs For Sale

Eggs comes with hatching incubator hand booklet.

Sales contract document.

We sell all our Pionus Parrots Eggs , Only when the eggs are 7 days old.

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Pionus Parrots Eggs

Pionus parrot for sale makes very good pets as they are generally good-natured. Once they are accustomed to their home and feel secure, they are less high strung and less demanding than many other birds.

Some other great things about these birds, besides their unusual colours, is that that they are quiet and unobtrusive. Though they may be the noisiest of all the Pionus species, they are still generally much quieter than other parrots. They make a great pet for people who live in apartments or in close proximity to neighbours where noise can be a problem.

They are quite intelligent with good memories and will learn simple tricks. Once they have learned behaviour such as stepping up they are very obedient and will remain steady in their training.


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